Faridpur Diabetic Association (FDA), a non profit voluntary socio-medical organization was established in 1983 at the initiation of late Dr. Mohammad Zahed, an illustrious son of the soil with a group of social workers, physicians, professor, volunteers and philanthropists to save the human race from the disastrous claws of a monster- the diabetes as the silent killer.
The association got the affiliation of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh and started an out patient clinic in 1985 and over the years has turned into a 450 bed hospital. In 2009 the Association was awarded the full membership of international Diabetes Federation )IDF) A consortium of 230 diabetes Associations all over the world.
Faridpur Diabetic Association has been running the following Institutions:
1. Diabetic Assoication Medical Collegae Hospital
2. Diabetic Association Medical College
3. Diabetic Association Nursing Institute
4. Saddam Memorial Diabetic Hospital
Faridpur Diabetic Association :
An Example of Cross Financing -
Govt-Private partnership
Foreign Grants
Running exp- self generated